My trip to Ridgecrest, NC went well. I got an alignment and a whole new set of tires for my car, so it ran well. I spent less on gas than I thought I would. :) It was a long drive, but having somebody with me made the time pass more quickly.
Here are some highlights from the week:
- Beautiful weather in the mountains; definitely not as hot as Florida.
- Afternoon adventures hiking the mountain trails. Rattlesnake Summit was my favorite!
- Passionate messages from Student Venture's national director. I always like hearing from him. His messages encourage and challenge me. I am proud to have him as my National Director.
- Corporately praising our great God and Savior through song.
- Joining together in prayer for ourselves, our teams and our students.
- Having time to connect and pray with our city and department teams.
- Deepening existing friendships and starting new ones. Student Venture really feels like a family. I feel so loved and cared for, and just enjoy being with the team.
- Sharing a burden with a friend during the car trip. We talked extensively about a difficulty I am facing, and more so than that, got to lift it up to God in prayer. It was wonderful!
A Student Venture conference cannot be complete without silly games during the sessions - this is one of those games.
Table friends (Kelly, me, Kar-Lai, and Sheridan) and table fun! :) (the sweat bands were for a game we played later that day) |
My favorite time of the conference was the city time. I got together with the six other staff members on the Orlando team. We shared a little about how our summer was going. We also shared about what God was speaking to us through the conference. It was really encouraging to hear that I was not alone in the issue God pointed out to me. In fact, it seemed as though the whole team was struggling with the same issue - some facet of pride. In hearing others share about it, I felt the freedom to be honest with them about my own struggle. It is nice to be known for who I am, shortcomings and all, yet still embraced as a much desired part of this team, this family. We also got to talking about the coming semester and the unknown that stands before us. Our previous directors have moved on to a difference aspect of SV, so some of our team members are the new directors. God also seems to be calling one family, potentially, to an international SV ministry. We are not sure what that looks like yet, but it could mean that our team would become even smaller. A theme that God seemed to be speaking to us separately, yet all together, is prayer. As we look to this coming school year, prayer seems to be our strategy. It is very fitting, since we do have so much unknown in front of us. Since prayer was such a large topic of our discussion, we stopped talking and just prayed. We prayed probably for as long as we talked. It is awesome to be part of a team that is (or will be) committed to prayer. It is awesome to be part of a team that is okay with tears and emotion. It is awesome to be a part of this SV Orlando family. I cannot wait to join them on the field.
Thank you for praying for this trip and conference. Please continue to pray for our team and the unknown in front of us. Please continue to also pray for new financial partners to join my team so that I can report to the field as soon as possible, to reach more teenagers with the love and truth of Jesus.
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